Our Services

Growing together in every aspect of your life

What We Do

Individual Therapy

The best way to figure out what is keeping you from the life you want and deserve, is to do a thorough examination of where you currently are in your life, how you got here and what it will take to move you to where you want to be in your relationships, work life, school life, social and home life.

Child & Adolescent
Our skilled therapists can help you and your child achieve optimal growth. You can learn healthy communication skills to help you and your child communicate calmly.

Couples Therapy

All couples go through difficult times. It’s actually normal for marriage to go through difficult times because marriage is like no other relationship. It will force you to look at yourself and make some changes, or be unsatisfied, or divorced. In the words of Dr. David Schnarch, “Marriage is a growing machine for humans. It will ask (force) you to grow up.”

Sex Therapy
Sex therapy is talk therapy that is focused on sexual issues. It is an opportunity to consult with an expert on sexual problems that can interfere with sexual satisfaction. As therapists, we can not only help you understand why these problems are occurring, but also offer specific behavioral solutions that you can implement privately.

Trauma Counseling
Parenting can bring us our highest highs and sometimes our lowest lows. Whether parenting toddlers, school-agers, or teens, too often we find ourselves struggling to have the kind of family we always hoped for. Family conflict can affect the quality of a marriage and the happiness of everyone living in the home.

Family Therapy
The effects of family counseling can be life changing. Hearing from everyone – how they feel and what they would like to differently – gives your family a chance to make changes. Family counseling is an investment in your relationships with one another and each of you as individuals.

Life Coaching
Coaching is a goal led, action oriented, forward focused, client driven approach to helping you get the life you want. The process begins with an adequate assessment of where you are in your life, where you want to be and how to get you there as quickly as possible. The focus is not on your past mistakes, your childhood or family history or how you got stuck where you are. Instead the focus is on where you desire to be!

Let’s see if we are the right fit.

Our counselors have many specialties and backgrounds – let us help you find the therapist best suited for your needs.

Trusted Guidance


We use constant observation to interpret each of our client’s abilities and behaviors to develop an always improving picture of your personal needs.


Many different approaches are used in harmony with one another in order to give your needs a well-rounded and balanced approach.


The goal of any therapy or counseling is to grow your own understanding of your needs and to help you accomplish your goals.